Im not a thumbnail maker but what does this look like? im using scratch btw lol has a lot of block lag that when u play projects you freeze for a bit , same with blocks , the only thing that kills lag is something better than chromebook or my pc definetly run 3d scratch games on that xD includeing an android emulator so i can go back to scripting!, (what does this look like tho?)

  • 5
    it looks like scales in my bathroom :)


    what was it supposed to look like?
  • 1
    @netikras wtf. (its supposed to look like a person on an island with traders . zombies, one more thing he is drinking the EvE potion =/)

    i think you have a fetish for scales after your wife's feet has been on them you probably smell them.
  • 4
    @Phazor001 You must be confusing me with Mort :)

    well, you asked what it looks like to us - it looks like electronic body scales to me with some graphical decorations (to be more attractive to kids: different colours and shapes).
    If you don't want to hear an answer then don't ask the question :p
  • 1
    @netikras Yes. now go on with your foot fetish.
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    Reminds me of adventure
  • 0
    @SortOfTested That looks like an awesome game!!!! it is a adventure game im making also overclockedgd used game maker for C++ really said it was useless and only for making operating systems and what not i think its awesome =)

    btw what kind of game is that?
  • 1
    Has to be something about StarTrek-like starships - or porn, not sure what the two balls with the big thing between them abstract...
  • 0
    @Oktokolo WTF.

    aRe yOu oN sOmeThInG?

    if you know what surviv.io is then i used that particular player and why? just where you get the porn idea from?
  • 1
    Did not know about surviv.io.
    And the two balls with the big thing between them looked very suspicious...

    Would never have expected avatars of a shooter game to look like that.
    Also i was never more aware of the importance of game graphics than while playing surviv.io for half a minute.
  • 0
    @Oktokolo yeah it really does look like a sholng
    wtf? i didnt intended to create some entity like that it was his hands and he is supposed to be drinking something....
    but its an easy fix! just re arange the hands and the title to make it better!!
    one more thing surviv.io is one of the best games out there =)
  • 1
    So he is drinking some incoming liquid? Well, i guess it was about porn then.

    And while surviv.io surely isn't as good as graphically advanced AAA titles like Minecraft or Dwarf Fortress - it probably does feature a better love story than Twilight...
  • 0
    @Oktokolo No!!! liquid in a potion bottle , not the fluid females go crazy for.
  • 1
    Never saw a bottle shaped like that. Might be an Erlenmeyer flask instead.
    Is there moonshine in the flask?
  • 0
    @Oktokolo maybe i really wanted to create an eve bottle but i just rushed a thumbnail without putting more detail in it, it looks like a alive piece of crap that has come to devour the whole game causing the user to click off
    im gonna redecorate the ui after i build a shooter game =)
  • 0
    @Oktokolo its probably bio shock infinite liquid to upgrade skill points, that gives me an idea to make a story mode game and convert everything into JS
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    First Devlog it looks trash but imma make a whole lot more improvements to the game like adding a weapon fixing hands constantly and adding a shop and some zombies, dont call me out for the title "The Walking Zombie 1" tottally not scuffed from the app version
  • 1
    Looks like someone put graffiti on a fat letterbox to me
  • 2
    Its one of that latterboxes where you insert unfolded documents with ease. It also can receive small parcels (including boxed bottles)...
  • 1
    I thought I was looking at a rocket.
  • 0
    OK OK MY THUMBNAIL IS BAD next devlog comin soon and bet your gonna like the features that i added now
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