
I'm having a cold and going through Kleenexes faster than a porn addict with Duracell stamina.

So, the question is what therapy exercise to engage in, that fits a brain that's semi dysfunctional due to fever. Last time, I made a Sudoku solver. This turned out to be very useful, because every time someone says "You should try Sudoku!", I can just end the persuasion attempt by replying "I've already solved the general case".

Might do a Rubik's cube solver this time.

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    Hmm. I wonder if there is a random mind exercise generator :p
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    Try coderoulette.
  • 4
    Make a twitter bot that generates tweets that sound like Trump wrote them. It shouldn't be hard to create a Trump AI, I mean the man doesn't exactly pass the Turing test himself.
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    I critically listen to audio books when I'm sick. Often, light sensitivity makes me not want to look at the monitor, so writing code is not appealing.

    To keep me from needing to write anything down (but still be engaged) I listen to sci-fi stories and mentally do back of the envelope calculations to check the author's work.

    I find it challenging but not overwhelming.
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    Whisky helps me through the cold
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    @oskaremil whiskey helps me get through the code.
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    @deusprogrammer someone already tried that, I think it's called Microsoft Tay...
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    I guess my initial hardware diagnosis was a bit off. This doesn't seem like a normal cold, so it could be the flu. There was no chance of any coding at all.

    Some partial brain function has returned, but I'll lower the level of ambition and watch Numberphile, Computerphile and Brit Lab videos instead. Youtube is quite useful during physical downtime!
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    @Letmecode if in sick, it's a lot of Terry Pratchett (not much math in there usually) and space operas.
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