
Recently been made senior dev at my company... I never really knew the struggle of finding decent developers who haven't massively exaggerated their knowledge on their CV's 😑

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    Senior Developer over here. I am also having difficulties in hiring new developers. What they write on their CV is not all correct. They kind of shit on their pants when I ask them questions during an interview.
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    @Letmecode that is an explanation but does not justify it. Lying on your CV just makes you go one step further on the selection process, wasting everyone's time. They won't get hired by lying and won't stay on the job if hired. I'm going through the same problems that those guys are. Selecting, interviewing and then, the tests smell like shit.
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    @Letmecode that's true. I think my job was the only job I saw that had a decent description. It was for senior Php dev and asked for intermediate PHP, advanced algorithm and optional frameworks. Tagcloud is shit, if you're a good dev, a few hours with some tutorials get you up to speed with any new tech, lib or concept. Stackoverflow has an awesome approach to a CV.
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    @magusd you'd be surprised at the amount of times when what is requested does not match what you'll actually be doing
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    @Letmecode I totally agree with what you are saying, most jobs now expect far far too much and just end up using buzz words that are probably completely irrelevant to the stack the company uses. However in my case we are looking for a mid level PHP dev with experience in Laravel and a good understanding of OO principles. The amount of people that can't answer some fairly straight forward questions in the interview is just a bit shocking!
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    For our student devs, we require basic HTML and JavaScript, with experience in SQL, ASP.NET, and js frameworks (any) preferred.

    We started doing code tests for this round of hiring. We wanted it to be more a test to see how they solve problems rather than if they are experts (many applicants have had only one year of college classes).

    Many of them say they have very little experience with these (which isn't necessarily a deal breaker; the job is supposed to be a learning experience), so we give them the option of doing the test in a language they are more familiar with.

    It's amazing how many apply with almost no web experience, say they're the most familiar with Java, and then struggle to write a palindrome test or implement basic inheritance/polymorphism. Some even start writing in the main function even though there's a blank un-implemented function to get them started...
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