Trying to get some cool project for fun using CSS framework. Don't want to use bootstrap. What's fancy yet powerful for a basic HTML/CSS site maybe with some jQuery/JS?

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    Try zurb foundation and tell me how it goes
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    My personal favorite is Bourbon/Neat. It's not so much a "framework" but a Sass library that makes developing a really nice layout super quick. You can set up responsive grids really easily with customizable breakpoints etc. it's clean, no nasty presentational class naming conventions needed.

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    Still rough around the edges but I love using materialize. That datepicker, mmm
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    BassCss is really lightweight but a good starting point: http://basscss.com
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    Try UIkit, v3 coming soon. Pretty good alternative to Bootstrap
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    Try bulmaCSS (No JS at all) or Semantic UI
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    Skeleton, PureCSS (Not My favourite) ,bulma, Milligram
  • 2
    Thank you guys. Now I'm gonna sleep less to learn more about all this stuff.
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