
been a win user for all my career.
started a new job last monday,and had to switch to a mac.

damn, that shit fries my brain.
all the shortcuts, my brackets, everything is different.

  • 2
    You'll get used to it and then maybe you'll like it 😊 I was having the same issue as you but I love it once I got the hang of it.
  • 1
    It won't take long to adjust.
  • 1
    When i changed it was like coming home
  • 5
    Another victim lost to the dark side of the force :(
  • 1
    As a mac user, i must admit some of the shortcuts are ridiculous. However i feel the brackets are intuitive. Same "main" button for each type of bracket (8 or 9). Shift accompanying key for standard bracket. Alt (option) for square. Combine shift and alt and you have curly. Alt is "more advanced" than shift and square brackets are again "more advanced" than standard. Then you have curly, which are the most complex brackets and require both shift and alt combined. If that made any sense...
  • 0
    I have a windows PC for 3D modelling and a MacBook Pro for coding. Windows is fucking terrible if you develop on node.js. Although, I prefer the windows for gaming and 3D stuff
  • 0
    Mac = aidscancer
  • 0
    @Linux funfact: aids was once known as gaycancer
  • 0
    Mac = gaycancercancer
  • 0
    @cornyg ehh, what keyboard layout are you using? on my US keyboard curly brackets is simply Shift + Square Brackets. I never had to use alt while coding/typing
  • 0
    Do you have an actual square bracket key? Btw Norwegian layout@borislemke
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