
You can't do that on the internet

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    Sry i was testing if we can put extea data threw the images... But it seems that the dev has thaught of it allready :p i have to think of other stuf.
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    @sam0 What kind of data o_o
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    @sam0 yeah you made me curious too, are you a sec blogger?
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    @Awlex @jarjer well i took as really small image of 1x1 px and then i put in the binary fiel some flag to indicate the starf og some other data then i inserted enother image after the flag... may be i should have put the other image in the raw image data of the first file... and change the size too so that the programme here that automatically change the image won't change the raw data, or may be it was made so the image is copied differently.
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    Man! I should read my comment before posting, sry for all those miss typing.
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