
Anyone else get neck pains due to sitting at a computer all the time? Not sure whether it is that, or if I have not been sleeping properly 😟

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    I do but it becomes a loop neck pain causes sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation makes neck pain worse.

    Doc prescribes diazepam problems resolve after 1 tablet and a good nights sleep
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    @philcr hmmm I have been waking up a bit more during the night. Think I might just have to crack out the painkillers 😅
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    @mrstebo muscle relaxers, either that or just get a little drunk
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    @philcr I had a few beers last night 😂. Seemed to go away "while" I was drinking 😉
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    Make sure your monitor is aligned properly, in most cases you should rise it up a bit (top edge of the screen roughly at eyes height).

    Obviously you need a good chair and a desk at a height which matches your size.

    I had my monitor too low for a few weeks and I got some painful problems in my back and neck.
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    Invest in a good chair for office. And nice mattress and pillow for home...
    Solved my backache problem in 2 weeks....
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    @twinflyer that makes sense. Only started getting these problems since I got my new laptop. And I don't have it on a stand, so it is not at eye level... 😥
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    @mrstebo As a general rule, a laptop can NEVER be used ergonomically, it's impossible. The fact that the screen is attached to the keyboard forces you to tilt your head down for 8 hours a day.

    The alternative is you raise the laptop up so the screen is at eye level, and then your shoulders hurt because you have to type in a weird position.

    For this reason i suggest using a desktop with a real monitor for extended coding, or just connect the laptop to an external monitor and use it in clamshell mode (or with a dock).
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    @mzgaljic I use a dock for my laptop when I'm in the office with an external 24 inch monitor and Corsair mechanical keyboard and Wireless mouse, my chair is a bit shit and that gives me weird twist pains in upper legs and lower back. The external monitor helped the neck ache though
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    Do whole body yoga , increases flexibility and your code quality.
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    @philcr Which makes sense...sounds like that monitor of yours is at (or close to) eye level. Sorry about the shit chair though lol.
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    @sam9669 great suggestion, but i think this just addresses the symptoms the OP has, not the source of the problem?
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    @mzgaljic might buy one of the reactors sports seat chairs, never get problems driving my car
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    I have a monitor that I use as well as my laptop screen. Maybe I could just put the stuff I am working on the most on that screen for now. Might buy a laptop stand and use my old keyboard.

    My chair is pretty standard. Got some nice ones at the office...Might consider buying a better one 😄
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