Facebook API is the most cancerous API to ever exist!
Complicated as fuck for no reason.
Don't get me started on WhatsApp API.
In the end I managed to make it work with my bot, but dude did that take a lot of time.

Using Twitter API and Discord API on the other hand was way easier.

  • 3
    Used the Facebook API a few years ago, ended up only being useful for those cancerour nametests.. literally the only thing you can do with it is harvest data and share the results. I'm so surprised that the Cambridge Analytica happened! Not like the API was designed for that to happen someday.

    On the other hand, Telegram's API's impressed me the most. You can literally do anything that a regular user or a bot on the platform can do. The MTProto API is kinda difficult to use, but Telethon or Pyrogram make it easier. The bot API meanwhile can literally just be curl commands.
  • 2
    Wait til you see the Bing api
  • 1
    Try Wikipedia API. That shit is hellspawn.
  • 1
    Without knowing a byte or bit about this, I certainly, whole heartedly approve your opinion.
  • 1
    WhatsApp API?
  • 1
    Yeah, but Twitter sounds like the most cancerous major social media platform.
  • 0
    @d4ng3r0u5 it depends. Most of the people there are stupid, narcissistic, pretentious, naive, mentally challenged and crying poor bastards😂

    But if you talk and follow to the right people, it is quite normal. It mostly depends who you are choosing to interact with.
  • 0
    @Condor damn...

    Telegram is on my list as well. Actually the next candidate after tiktok.
    I am trying to "reverse engineer" how tiktok's upload mechanism works.

    I've seen a bunch of unofficial API libraries for Tiktok but none of them had the upload feature. They only had the features about "getting information", but no "setting information".
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    @ScaryException yes, they have an API for businesses
  • 0
    Here's to hoping you don't get into Fintech.
  • 0
    @-ANGRY-STUDENT- oh business i thought you ment personal. Don't mind me
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