I'm in sad nostalgia....

32MB BIOS updates take a loooong time.


Hey. i'm updatinf the LED firmware.

Reset again.

Hey. I needed to reset all settings.


Fan detection for min rate.

Dozen settings changed.

Laggy mouse because EFI and graphics is slooooow...

I miss the old days of just keyboard based BIOS. And where updating didn't take 15 mins....

  • 2
    I have a change scheduled today to have an onsite tech update the firmware on a server's, "BIOS." The zip to load onto USB is 287mb. Bleh.
  • 2
    Luckily my gaming pc has such an ass old mainboard that it's still full on keyboard.
    I find mouse support and background images to be quite unnecessary and just a waste of memory.
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