
Moving to camelCaseJava from underscore_c and it peppers me with silly mistakes.

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    How do u pronounce underscore_c?
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    I hope that isn't bluejay
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    @JavaRules It's BlueJay. It's a small piece of simple code, just two classes, so I think I'm fine. With my computer, it's either BlueJ or vim.
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    @devJoe The pitch of the speaker's voice goes right down on the r, implying the presence of an underscore. It's how I read and remember underscores :L
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    @MaxMayo why blueJ or vim? Those are complete opposites! I'd personally recommend any but blueJ. Is your uni forcing you to use it? Usually that's the case.
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    @JavaRules They don't require much grunt to use. Even with chrome open it starts jittering. Android studio ( has a NOPE stamp until my extra 4gb ram stick arrives, eclipse throws errors at me on startup I can't find the answer to, and all I reaalllly need is a debugger and basic tools like search/replace. It does the job and gives me windows I can put across different workspaces.

    Vim is the other choice simply because I want practice with it, it does things quickly, and it let's me see more code at once on screen than anything else.
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    @MaxMayo Fair one man, ram is an issue. But you could try VS code and get a Java plugin. I guarantee it's more efficient and nicer to use than blueJ. It is unbelievably light weight. 20k lines no stutter for me on 8gb of ram.
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    3.7GB ram here, running fedora to squeeze out as much as I can. I'll give it a shot :)
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