Damn, why hadn't I been coding on Go this whole time? It's amazing!!!

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    @thmnmlst dude it's like dynamic languages(python,etc) but powerful to the core like C(it's like C on steroids). The amazing thing is it is developed by Ken Thompson and co., the developer of B and C.
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    I'd like to learn it this year.
    But its pascal's like assignment operator is really horrible.
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    @joci can you give some more detail there?
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    We demand more detail! 😄
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    variable := value
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    @joci that's horrible? It's also only for declaration cases
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    @jshwkxneiwbd Noo, it's just about habit. But I think = is much better. However as I said it's just personal "problem"
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    @joci well consider it syntactic sugar on these and you may be more accepting:

    var foo = "bar"
    var foo string
    foo = "bar"
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    @jshwkxneiwbd I don't know, but believe that the language is great.
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    Go is amazing. Definitely one of, if not my favorite language to code in. Very interesting and fun.
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    @corscheid yeah the best thing is it's powerful as C.
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    @theothergod plus also has kind of a high level feel to it. Almost like Python but not. It's also crazy versatile with all the different APIs and Packages available.
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    For me, Go was the logical conclusion of what stressed me out about writing services in other languages. It isn't perfect, but it is fantastic and everyone should learn it.
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    @corscheid yeah it's totally cooooooll(eric cartman style).
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    Is there stuff like urllib and time and socket modules in go like there is in python?
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    @c3ypt1c yup. 😃
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    @theothergod omg... That's cool... I'm gonna look it up...!! ^.^
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    Can anyone mention a few use cases for Go? Local stuff? Backend? Database handling? Frontend?
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    @JReinhold I've used it for stateless and stateful microservices. There isn't a mature ORM like active record so most of the CRUD I've seen has been a little goofy. Otherwise it is awesome.

    Almost the straightforward language I want it to be, if only maps weren't implicitly passed as references... So close.
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    @JReinhold it's very good for cloud computing and backend and for doing things like softwares where C like performance is needed.
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    Check.This out. It's nicely written.
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