
Fucking stupid spring-boot-devtools dependency !!!

Started work at 11AM and was working on a Rest API system using Spring Boot. Got to know about Spring Boot dev tools and added it to my project.

Later in the evening my endpoints started throwing exceptions for no god damn reason. Invalidated the caches, restarted my IDE and laptop. Rolled back my code to almost vanilla branch !!! YET THE ENDPOINTS KEPT THROWING RANDOM EXCEPTIONS.

This went on till 1:30 AM (I live in a country where work-life balance is not a thing for software developers :)). Frustrated, the last thing I tried was to rollback the devtools dependency from my POM file. AND MY ENDPOINTS STARTED WORKING AGAIN 🤬

What the actual ffffuhkkk !!!!

To all those who contribute to spring-boot-devtools, you guys are doing a great job and it isn’t a personal attack towards you (I really mean it). It just messed up my project in some way and I was extremely frustrated.

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