When you anger some mentally imbalanced guy and he comments on your rants as revenge 😂. Made my day, ok, you got my attention.

  • 12
    Wait. Is there someone mentally balanced?
  • 2
    I'm generally against this sorta thing but honestly... fuck that guy
  • 3
    It's retardedly amusing to see ostream (not gonna mention to reduce that attention he's getting) everywhere.

    He might kinda have a crush on ya.
  • 1
    @3rdWorldPoison It is still mysterious behavior to me on online forums. Like what do you want to achieve. Guess we will never know.
  • 5
    I am calling the police.
  • 2
    @hack Philosophy hour.
  • 7
    @ostream First day on the internet?
  • 4
    Sounds like an all out war. Maybe take this to twitter @aviophile @ostream?
  • 4
    @3rdWorldPoison Fewer things bring more vitality than two legendary epic individuals engaging in all out digital warfare. Fight you cowards!
  • 1
    @3rdWorldPoison suddely, everyone is into catfight!
  • 3
    You guys should really chill out. Life goes beyond a small internet argument that you won't remember in a couple days.

    My advice is to pour out some whiskey, eat some nice food, take a fistfull of sleeping pills, and slip into a calm peaceful coma from which you never wake up and bring this shit back to Devrant.
  • 1
    Wait... I thought that’s how this app worked for everyone...
  • 1
    @craig939393 i was calm but you made me remember it :(
  • 1
    @craig939393 back with that 1-2-nutjabber.
  • 1
    Ok, now please kiss and send pictures as proof
  • 0
    There is more to this story and I am interested.
  • 0
    Is this Devrant or Reddit?
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