Two hits from the bong, fresh coffee and 8 hours of sleep.

  • 8
    You can code while stoned?

    That's kind of a super power.
  • 4
    @ilPinguino I can code better while I'm stoned.
  • 4
    @ilPinguino the great thing about it is once you got into the flow nothing will distract you, and it keeps your aggression in check.
  • 3
    @EdoPhoenix I tried once while I was on a short gig in Amsterdam...

    Hit some white widow and started working on something. Still works well enough, but I can't read or understand that code I wrote, it's a complete pigs breakfast.
  • 5
    @ilPinguino well I've got quite the tolerance/experience. If you want to utilize this strategy, do it while working on your private projects, and repeat the process. Make sure you also arent completly out of it. You could propably not tell if I'm high or not because I smoke small doses, just a lot of them.
  • 1
    @EdoPhoenix okay... I usually don't smoke, it's quite expensive where I live and the rest of my hobbies don't mix with it. I guess with experience it becomes manageable, like coding drunk.
  • 3
    I find myself to be able to code better when stoned, but at the loss of most of my social skills. Worked fine when I was freelancing, but can't afford that now that I'm working a full time job, for a meeting might pop up anytime.
  • 5
    @alcatraz627 as a hardcore introvert my social skills actually improve if I'm high. Being high is an across the board upgrade for me 😅
  • 3
    @ilPinguino I code wayyyyyy better when I'm stoned. I'm focused, I'm in a trance almost when music is playing, and my mind isn't a screaming match of ideas and random distracting thoughts.

    The trick is to figure out a good dose, or just smoke so often that you become a functional stoner (or one before the other).

    I'm not a "weed solves everything, man" kind of person, I won't wear MJ-themed clothes like some people do, etc. But I do appreciate its value for me since I have an otherwise very chaotic mind.
  • 3
    @junon Yeah, like I said, I don't have much experience with it. I suppose it's kinda like drinking, you build up a tolerance and also learn to know your limit.
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    I've gotten through so many Fridays starting off with 100µg LSD at 11am, then dropping 100mg MDMA around 2pm.

    Our Fridays are often meetings, task refinements & brainstorms, so acid helps with the creativity elements of that.

    Then towards the afternoon the company does social stuff, informal gatherings with chips and beer -- where I prefer a bunch of fruit, xtc and a bit of cognac.

    (Disclaimer: If you've never tripped, don't do this, it will end badly. If you have some experience with drugs, but never interacted with sober normies in a business setting while tripping, start off at 0.25x doses)
  • 2
    @bittersweet I would love to do that but the availability of acid here is very bad. Maybe I can get once or twice a year a few blotters.
  • 2
    @bittersweet MDMA at work sounds hellish. You're going to come up 45 or whatever later, still at the office? That sounds like hell lol.

    EDIT: also whats the deal with fruit and MDMA? I've heard about it but never understood it. I hear (I've never done MDMA, promise!!!1) that you lose your appetite entirely.
  • 1
    @junon Well the effect of many drugs depend highly on mindset & setting.

    The experience in a cubicle office would differ a lot from tripping at a hipster startup with beanbags, vertical herb gardens and people zooming by on hoverboards.

    Mdma in a club amplifies a lot of the "hugginess" aspect of feeling "in love". while I find that at work it just gives me a bit more empathy.

    There's still the amphetamine-like energy and cotton candy clouds, but in an office where the setting is more professional but still very relaxed/casual, I find it easy to channel that into effective technical discussions.

    Same goes for LSD, with more experience it becomes more steerable, you can pick the facets of the mind altering properties which are effective in that setting — to a certain extent.
  • 1
    @junon Fruit while on drugs isn't for appetite, it's for the experience 😉

    Grapes while sober are just tiny bags of water with a bit of sugar in them.

    On LSD... It's like "holy fuck this magical orb just ruptured in my mouth like a tiny universe collapsing in on itself, I just split the atom with my teeth and now there's millions of nerves on my tongue going off in ticklish chain reactions of flavor and temperature! Btw teeth are super weird, there's just bones growing out of your gums and we pretend that's normal? Wait there's a whole container of these little magic orbs for me to eat? They grow on little branches? Do you think the multiverse also grows on branches? I wonder how many kilograms of sugar exist in this universe... Wait if our universe is a grape, are we the little seedlings? What happens to the universe when it grows into a new grape vine? Maybe the universe will burst one day when were eaten by a giant bird, and the Earth will be pooped out onto fertile soil.
    Oh look a strawberry! Damn I don't think I've ever seen anything so intensely RED before, it's almost like it's cheating the spectrum. Hehe strawberries look so retarded with their little green hats... I think I should use more strawberry in my code. Does that make sense? I think if I really tried I could write strawberry flavored code."
  • 1
    @junon I did once write a rant while on mdma, after having spent all day at the office on a high dose of acid:

  • 3
    @ilPinguino It is a RARE RARE day when I code NOT stoned.

    Programming is boring as shit when I'm not high.

    I quit drinking 4 years ago, but I used to be able to code my ass off black out drunk too.
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