
I just noticed that you can customize Firefox's UI with both drag&drop and CSS. My browser UI now takes up about half the space it did and I even increased the font size a bit. This is the level of UI customization I expect from all Electron apps and such. If you think it's too much effort leave the drag&drop and use a more basic config table, but if you're gonna spend MY CPU cycles rendering HTML and CSS you better let me change whatever I want about them.

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    Care to elaborate on this, how did achieve the UI customization on Firefox?
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    Bumping for interest.
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    I'm so entitled... and I just can't hide it!

    But srsly way to go Moz! Although I don't feel the need to tweak e.g. MongoDB Compass or Postman, could be useful for some less mature Electron apps.
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    @webketje It's not a big effort to let the user specify their own stylesheet. I would be entitled if what I'm asking for would take more than 10-15 minutes to implement.
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    @homo-lorens I had to write it for the stupid song reference and because well it also applies to me when I encounter repeated frustration :D.

    I think "15 min - a month" would be a fairer estimation (taking into account potential review rounds, revisions & feedback ping-pong by hierarchy, release process & unforeseen implications) for time to implement
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