Change your fucking specifications and priorities again. Change them. I dare you.

  • 8
    I don't mind as long as I'm:
    Either paid by the hour
    Or charging change requests insanely
  • 4
    Have you considered logging your progress in the form of
    [time] commencing work on feature x according to specification
    [time] switching to work on y according to new priorities
    [time] scrapping progress on x due to changed requirements
  • 4
    Being a client is hard. You are spending a fuckton of money on something you don't understand and you have to explain your ideas clearly enough that there's no miscommunication while still allowing UX experts to do their job.
    If you messed up, they're now eating up your budget working on something you don't need or can't use.

    If you track your progress accurately enough they will know how much their indecisiveness costs.
    Also it'll allow you to actually charge them for it.
  • 1
    @ravijojila unfortunately this is my regular 9-5 job but I guess that technically means I'm paid by the hour
  • 1
    @homo-lorens we have a time tracker and the project manager in question knows it would be better not to change things all the time they just don't care
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