The 3 cardinal rules of software:

1. Shit gets old
2. Shit gets better
3. Shit will not work

  • 7
    Old shit often works better than new shit that will not work.
  • 2
    @Demolishun that's not saying much, it's old *because* it works. If it didn't you'd have thrown it anyway.
  • 2
    Shit smells, just like bad code smells
  • 8
    4. Shit gets worse
    5. Clients and managers will shit on you
    6. Give less of a shit when you can
    7. Don’t shit on QA
    8. Shit on vague requirements
    9. Don’t shit on the client
    10. Don’t waste resources and shit
    11. Don’t trust or rely on shit if you avoid it
    12. Don’t dev on shit hardware
    13. Test on shit hardware
    14. Don’t listen to shit music, nor shit silence (unless you’re deaf?)
    15. Don’t shit on interns who are trying.
    16. Shit on interns who don’t even try.
    17. Shit on shit APIs/docs/etc, but know the responsible devs probably got shit on by management.
    18. Shit on nVidia’s lack of Linux support.
    19. Shit on SystemD, too.
    20. If you think you’re hot shit, you probably are.
    21. Learn your shit and be humbled.
    22. Then improve that shit.
    23. Open source lessens the amount of shit in the world, or at least improves it.
  • 4
    The world was shit when you got here, and it's gonna still be shit when you leave.

    All you can do is make it LESS shit.
  • 2
    @HiFiWiFiSciFi Or endeavor to be the metaphorical toilet bowl cleaner and flush and scrub it all away ~
  • 2
    24. Shit after eating fried egg and cheese tacos with rice and refried beans
  • 4

    Don't forget to shout "Success!" after all that shit.
  • 3
    @iamai I am gonna start yelling "YES" right when I flush in public bathrooms. Then start doing the hoot hoot hoot hoot jocks do.
  • 0
    Can’t wait to drink later, this thread will be much more fun!
  • 0
    @Demolishun I Googled hoot jock dance...first video is


    Don't forget the costume 😂
  • 2
    @Demolishun do the haka as you go into the bathroom to assert dominance.

    It worked for the kiwis, at least.
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