Anyone notice that JavaScript keeps getting more functional in style with every ES iteration?

  • 3
    Necessity of compatibility with older versions makes it ugly again.
  • 1
    It seems like it has some influences... and that seems par for the course for languages as they mature.
  • 1
    @iiii I don't think JS itself suffers too greatly with backwards compatibility issues. Maybe what you're using it for has that requirement, but for that, there's transpilers like Babel. Write in the latest standard and transpile to IEShit standard.
  • 2
    I hate JavaScript OOP. From how inheritance works to `this`. I believe it's the main reason for its function-based approach.

    Solution 1: HTML 6⃣
    Solution 2: WebAssembly

    What do you think?
  • 1
    @eo2875 single inheritance with lack of interfaces make JS OOP crippled and complex OOP designs still need to be hacked together but in general use it's very decent.
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