
Is it possible to use vb on Android phone 🤔

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    As in Visual Basic?
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    @C0D4 yes Brother
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    @vikrant for VB .net, I want to say no, but who knows someone may have made a port.

    For VBA - office's version, nope.
    But you could try rig something up with https://flow.microsoft.com/en-us/
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    And in todays "Weird shit that only happens in India":

    Visual Basic on Android
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    @12bitfloat there really is nothing wrong with VB as a language and much less as a target for developing on Android really. As someone that has dealt with Vb on a scripting side on the past (VbScript on ASP) I have found tbe hate to be nothing more than pure elitism, some high peofile dev said he dislike VB and everyone followed. I dont follow mass sheep mentality when it comes to software. I have seen amazing applications working without an issue on VB6 and vb dot net. yet for whatever reason we treat the languages as if they were some sort of monsters.

    I would go back to classic ASP on a heartbeat, shit made me wealthy.
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    Look up BASIC for Android, its a language that ransposes to Java, open sourced amd writes in the same manner as VB.NET but targetting the Java platform.

    I liked it although I did not do much with it other than some tutorials.

    I believe that VB will have a comeback, but it will not be through the side of Microsoft.

    I am currently thinking of building a VbScript language for the web using either Nim (more than likely it will be the major implementacion) or Rust (I suck at it but want tk get better) that targets the web in the same way VBScript did but with some major increments.

    As of rn, BASIC for Android might be your best bet.
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