What's your favourite non-alphanumeric piece of code?
Mine is "!!+" (JS, numeric string to boolean), second place is "+ ++" (many languages, plus the next variable increased by one).
They just remind me of the crazy world we live in.

  • 0
    Does the lamba count as alphanumeric?
  • 0
    @Oktokolo Nope.
    Btw, do greek people write in greek letters?
  • 2
    Probably not - but i don't know for sure.

    But i just realized that even my lambdas always have alphanumerics in their argument names or return values.

    So my favourite non-alphanumeric piece of code is PHP's coalesce operator "??" (also "??=" for conditional assignment).
    Then comes the command chaining pipe "|" (also use it in DSLs),
    followed by "((){" + code + "})();" for non-scope-polluting execution.
  • 6
    :(){ :|:& };:

  • 1
    Now what Visual Studio supports emoji as variables names :

    try {
    catch (Exception 💩) {
    throw 💩;
  • 0
    @C0D4 clown world? Are you alt right?
  • 2
    @aviophile I'm alt clown, there's no right or left here, just good fun times.
  • 1
    I hate all of them so much lmao
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