Fuck robinhood.

That is all

  • 5
    People: I'm gonna fight the power for the peoples!

    People: I'm totally down on what looks like a classic pump and dumb scheme!!!

    People: I'm also gonna sign up for a free service that sells my info to the man so hey can make money off of it before I do!

  • 5
    The state the American market is pathetic

    I seriously hope WallStreetBets will be closed permanently once this shit settles down
  • 4

    Religion ... er ... Populism is the opiate of the masses....
  • 0
    This is what append when rich get ass fuck by is own dick
  • 1
    And that, is why investing without a strategy and long term goals is a bad idea.
    I do some high risk trading myself (fallen angels, plus some short options), but that whole "Robin Hooder" thing just has me shaking my head.
    Signal Advance rocketed to the sky because they couldn't be arsed to check a company profile and realize they aren't affiliated with the messenger.
    GameStop pump and dumped because they do what folks on some social media platform tell them instead of getting their own info.
    And GME from Australia, a nickel mine, got over purchased because they don't understand they have to check what exchange a symbol is for. It's not an. ISIN, it's a symbol, kiddies.

    What I do - fundamental analysis, long term buy and hold and monetization through short call options - may be boring. But I'll still be around when they're all bankrupt. I've been through three economic crises so far (09, 18 and 20). Yes, I'm an old man. But at least I'm not an idiot, and wasn't one either.
  • 1
    Fuck stonks
  • 1
    @ayushjn Actually, no.
    Fuck clueless people who think they can make a lot of money by cutting corners.
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