Why do i have to support IE8 why do I have to support IE8 why do I have to support IE8 why do I have to support IE8 why do I have to support IE8 why do I have to support IE8 😞

  • 6
    Tell your boss/client that Microsoft stopped supporting it and so should you: https://microsoft.com/en-us/...
    If you support it you are exposing your clients to security vulnerabilities that will never be patched.
  • 4
    You don't. Outdated and deserted. We do not develop for android 2 either.
  • 0
    @solocoder they are well aware of it but clients use it and they have to.
  • 1
    Do you work for a bank? I could see that. When I was doing an on-site setup of one of our apps for a client, I noticed they were still using ie8, Windows XP. Being curious, I asked why and they said their IT staff said that most of the web apps they use didn't support other browsers so they couldn't upgrade. I didn't know what to say. Sounded like they were using the wrong web apps.
  • 2
    The world is suffering
  • 2
    @snypenet at that point, that's a big security risk. I wouldn't feel secure using a bank that uses ie8.

    I get costs associated with upgrades, but that's a disaster waiting to happen.
  • 0
    @Synth-Synapses it wasn't the bank that used ie8 it was one of our business clients that utilizes our web apps for remote capture, etc.
  • 0
    Fuck it, don't
  • 0
    Um anything lower than 11 isn't even supported my MS
  • 0
    Do the world a favor and ditch it. This is a battle worth fighting.
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