  • 14
    Error successfully occured.
  • 1
    It's Thursday, that's opposite day. Not your computer's fault...
  • 0
  • 2
    Because it's an error to execute without error on first run.
  • 5
    Success isn't an error, it's an exception...
  • 4
    Interpreter doesn't know why you succeeded. There's tons of bugs, errors, and shortcuts...and yet it ran. Interpreter is saying " That is so not supposed to work"
  • 1
    @erikdreyer11 or wife. It's danger zone to accept that answer. Anyways proceed with caution
  • 0
    I swear some of the students in my year at college trust on exceptions when coding... For example with an Optional in java... Instead of checking with predefined functions if the value is present. They just catch the exception if it's not present... Wtf
  • 2
    "It worked. It shouldn't. Do it again."
  • 0
    When Your Code Makes No Sense But It Still Runs
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