Anybody here that uses ratpoison wm?? Can you recommend me configurations to make it look cool? There aren't much documentation.

P.S. Please don't recommend another wm, I loved ratpoison's concept so I want to give it a try.

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    Haven't used ratpoison but let me know how it goes I was interested in it before I decided i3 was better for workflow. "++" For the joys of GNU/Linux (or BSD if you're running that)
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    @UltimaQ I have been an Arch user since 15'. Used gnome de mostly, want to try ratpoison wm which feels like emacs.
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    @StefanH this wm doesn't use mouse(pointing device) metaphorically rat and extensively uses keyboard hence, the name ratpoison. Killing pointing device functionality for day to day task.
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    @theothergod Oh cool another Arch user! I'll take a look at the wm it may be a good replacement to i3 or xmonad.
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