fuck off with the “do x in y lines of python code” it’s getting so goddamn annoying. yes python is concise. yes libraries do everything. you don’t need to show off someone else’s work with clickbait.

everything is like

“make a web server in 2 lines of python code”

import http.server
server = http.server.serve()

“mine bitcoin in 2 lines of python code”
import bitcoinminer

“do crazy math with 4 lines of python code”
import complex
import numpy
num1 = 1
num2 = 1
num3 = complex.addVectorMagnitudes(num1, num2)

  • 11
    Ahem. Try "import antigravity" (really!).

    ("Python" by Randall Munroe; CC BY-NC 2.5 licensed)
  • 3
    On the other hand, this is really useful if you actually do want to do it in 2 lines, quick and dirty. It has its place.
  • 4
    @RememberMe very true, but the thumbnails are annoying
  • 5
    @calmyourtities agreed, but consider the audience. Python is used by a large community for whom programming is a supporting thing or a hobby, like physicists, artists, statisticians, economists, accounting folks, pretty much every kind of researcher, etc. This kind of stuff is meant for them, not for professional programmers.
  • 4
    Python probably indeed is the very first real multiparadigm general purpose _and_ audience language.
  • 2
    @Oktokolo yeah. It's easy to forget that its design goals are different from most other languages - it's actually *trying* to cater to the layman, and that's a good thing because it fills that niche like nothing else does.
  • 0
    Kalm your titties, man 🤣
  • 1
    >>> import bitcoinminer
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'bitcoinminer'

  • 1
    @junon you'd have to `pip install` it!
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