
IKR. 🙂

  • 6
    @Artemix as long as it is about coding, I'm ok with it :D
  • 7
    @leviathan07 the main issue with stuff like this is there's getting to be too much of it here.
    I much prefer sitting and reading about the troubles people have encountered to actually make them rant. It tells you want to avoid, and also gives you a chance to think about what could be done to solve the situation. Maybe even give a bit of help to someone else too.

    This kind of post here basically leads to no conversation being had. It's the equivalent of always responding "ok". "yes". "no".
  • 1
    @cybojenix hmmmm.. that's a point
  • 0
    Members of the same object...)
  • 1
    @cybojenix memes are so prevalent because they are like fast-food: convenient and doesn't require much effort. I do wholeheartedly agree though. Because this type of entertainment is everywhere it's not going offer anything more than what we can get elsewhere. I would love more post about on the job experiences and other things that might actually give not only the fresh eager Devs some insight, but even the more experienced ones.
  • 1
    Personally it wouldn't be so bad if the person had bothered to have at least typed it out, make it seem like they had put effort it. However like this it's just blatantly copied from whatever site it started from
  • 1
    @11icecube11 to me it's a bit more about the contextual aspects rather than how it was delivered. Oh you created an original meme or you're reposting? Good for you share it with the other social media sites that are designed for that. It's honestly a lost cause unless devRant finds a way to feature in a filtering system that also for restricting against this.
  • 0
    @Artemix Should I be crucified for throwing in an 'overused' joke once in a while?
  • 2
    @Yawks its not specifically targeted at you mate, only at this type of posts which is starting to dominate devRant rather than plain old school rants, u can also pitch in ur views
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