
So management calls me at 1 AM. I have insomnia so I'm still awake... but I know I have to set boundaries, steer away from unhealthy and unproductive habits. I knew that this spontaneous meeting would not be compensated, and even if they wanted me to fix a bug, I'd be too sleepy to do anything really. I needed some healthy sleep. So I muted my phone and ignored them...

But I kept thinking on the call. What did they want? Did they found a bug on production? (We do have clients on the other side of the world.) Would this create a big fight? And of course, if they brought it up, what would I respond? I did feel guilty. I was worried about the company, since my future also depended on it... and my insomnia kept me awake for an extra couple of hours...

  • 5
    You are an employee, not a personal butler. If you start answering calls in the middle of the night, they will expect you to do so in the future. Next thing you know, you will work 16h a day.

    You did good.
  • 4
    It's the middle of the night, you shouldn't feel guilty about not answering your phone, that's crazy
  • 4
    You need to cut yourself some slack. You are not the company and the only one you owe anything is yourself.

    Ask yourself: "Do they pay me in stock for around ~$1 Mill. a year?". If the answer is no there is no reason in this world to answer a call at 1am if that are not your working hours.

    Thats the thing I would tell them when they ask me. I hope you will get better. Insomnia is bitch. Meditation helped me let lose of problems in life. You seem like a thinker to me.
  • 2
    You're not being paid for that kind of shit.

    If they're not paying you for on-call, they have no right to call you at 1am like that.

    Even if it's super serious, it can probably wait
  • 2
    Simple question: do you get paid to be available and ready to come into the office in case shit hits the fan?

    No? Then don't pick up.

    Also if they have your private phone number, I suggest getting a new one
  • 2
    If I'm on call, then I'm paid for *maybe* being called at 1am, and I'm paid more if it actually happens. That's something I agreed to, and I'm very happy with the compensation offered for what amounts to a very rare occurrence.

    If I'm not on call, then sod that. Far from feeling bad, I'd be on the attack the next morning (and I have been before.) I wouldn't be waiting sheepishly for management to get cross, I'd be demanding to know why they thought it was ok to wake me up at a ridiculous hour with zero notice and zero compensation.
  • 0
    If you had your phone scheduled to mute at night, you wouldn't have had any problem.
  • 1
    @electrineer I did, but I was using it so I saw the notification ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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