
TLDR: Wrote a custom class for writing apibtest cases for a project with zero code test coverage.

We have a project with zero test coverage. Recently, i was tasked with writing api test cases for said project, it might have taken me months to write tests for all endpoint, plus the main issue was that each endpoint needed to tested for all available user roles and permissions.

I tried the main stream approach of writing api tests, but ended up running into a lot of issues directly linked to our projects roles/permissions architecture (cherry on top some endpoint are apikey specific). Don't get me wrong in my opinion this is by far one of the best user roles architecture out there, but writing test cases keeping it in mind is pain in ***.

After trying out different testing methods and frameworks, i decided to write my own class by extending django test framework (which uses unitest)

- It has generator and validators for request and response.
- Supports testing for user roles and permissions.
- We won't have to make any changes to code after user role or permissions changes
- I just have to copy and past request and responses from postman api collection.😂

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