
me: FE in work, but doing fullstack on my passion projects and somewhat confident on small VPSs - heck, I have a beard, I can do server stuff :) - migrating a WP site that just wont work, copied everything, didn't work, used a migration tool, didn't work, always getting "Connection refused"... must be something with the SSL certificates.. 3 fckn days passed by and nothing when I stumbled upon a forum post with similar issue where the guy stated: I tried all the obvious like copying files, db, certificates, enabled ssl on apache... then it hit me, this is a new installation, I didn't enabled SSL in apache sudo a2enmode ssl restarted apache and BOOM everything is working
part of me was like how stupid you have to be - but the other part is like I guess I learn something every day, this is how you migrate a WP site with the domain #IloveIT

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