

Yes? Stop sending Hi, Hello, in slack! FFS not even asking: how are you doing? Throw your question or whatever made you talk to me in the first place! I'm just ignoring everyone like this from now on...

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    @Jilano this! I would be so much happier. 😅
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    What I hate
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    In slack is
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    Messages like this!
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    Please short and descriptive people! Not a million message for a small idea
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    @gitpush also this! Omg 🙄
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    @Ganzalf man I hate them too I see 5 unread msgs to end up Knowing that I need to check an email 😪
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    nohello.com is what you need. (Disclaimer: Not affiliated to that page in any way)
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    @JustThat that would be, at least, something different 😅
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    @JustThat it left me with the same feeling yes 😂
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    @JustThat *angry fist shaking*

    @op I feel ya

    It slack. It won't go away. I don't mind a polite greeting (good morning hope your evening went well... so anyways <info dump and question> ) but you don't need to wait for my response to your greeting. Dump it out there and let's get back to work. We're all busy, let's move it along people!
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