Once on my old job I had several ssh sessions and I was running some tests where I frequently restarted the application... Until I entered the restart command in the terminal of the production system and shutdown the whole application. - Still gives me the creeps today, was just lucky the customer was in a break and we could remotely restart it, so probably nobody even noticed.

Now today I run a "rm -rf *" on a folder that is supposed to be local, but after some time I get suspicious because it is taking too long.. Only to discover that the mount point of the remote resource points to my "local copy". Shit.

What is next? The "delete from ...;" without where clause? Fuck, aren't you supposed to get more experienced and cautious?

  • 9
    Shit happens, at least you investigate and learn.
    Some of my colleagues ruin scripts and production environments and don't even notice. They seem to lack the ability to even notice the mistakes they made.

    You'll be fine!
  • 5
    We've all done it
  • 4
    @forkbomber Hope so. Thanks. Until now it was all harmless. Nothing against what some customers just took us through back then. Like manually repairing hundreds of entries in the data base or restoring dozens of backups to send messages that went missing bacause of a power outage.
  • 1
    I have done kind of same time thing and was embarrassed to death that how could I be that much stupid.
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