
Late night kaggle session, and I'm enjoying how cute and clean this dataset is!

I'm jealous if data scientists always get to work with such neat sets! Dude! I got .95 acc without any effort! This is so... Weird. 🤔

  • 7
    This set is so clean and noise free that I can bet someone cleaned it up after murder.

  • 4
    What does it mean if a data set is cute
  • 3
    @electrineer I want to know too.
  • 1
    That must have been a dataset that was cleaned and potentially pre-processed.
    Real-world datasets are nowhere near that level of cleanliness and most DS jobs (not solely based on my experience but also of those who have been there much longer) will require a good chunk of your time cleaning and pre-processing datasets.

    But as you say, it's amazing to work with clean datasets.
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