They: What do you do for a living?
Me: DevOps, FreeBSD Administration, Ruby, ...
They: hmm?
Me: administrator for UNIX systems
They: whut?
Me: I do stuff with computers
They: I really like Apple
Me: *sigh*

.... and every time, too...

  • 1
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    "Ah, macOS is a Unix based operating system!"

    Them: "What's a Unix?"
  • 6
    Me: oh, hard to explain. They googling it
    Them: *googles yunics* Oh I see, a man without testies .... oO ... you are a .... seriously?
    Me: ...No I meant .... oh for f*cks sake
  • 2
    Dang, meant to write "eunuchs" ... Now the joke does not work *sigh*
  • 1
    To be fair, it is somewhat BSD based.
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    mac os x is a certified unix, that makes it unix, not unix like
  • 1
    I can't talk about anything at home.
  • 0
    @Qchmqs unfortunately they ripped out the UNIX soul long ago. Digged around in a macOS a month ago since I had to use one until my new Thinkpad arrived. Tbat gave a chance to check it's 'unixness'. I would go as far as saying that the UNIX remainders are barely facades. Not even the man pages are correct. The only thing that still is UNIX-like are most of the syscalls. That's why native Mac apps are the easiest to port over to FreeBSD. Almost everything else was replaced over the years.
  • 0
    I too like Apple, macOS is a great Unix system *and* user friendly!
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