What do we say to java update?

  • 1
    Remind me later...
  • 4
    Yes, please!
  • 3
    Sorry, Java, but the princess is in another castle.
  • 7
    Not today!

    Lack of Game of thrones fans here bugs me a little.
  • 2
    @Romulus10 Hey it's a me Jarvio
  • 0
    Yes. I better patch that security exploit now.

    I swear I am fun at parties.
  • 2
    Usually something along the lines of :"Okay. what? Eclipse? Why? Shit shit shit shit shit! Who needs 50 million options in preferences? Fuck! Why won't this fix it? What does my build path have to do with a fucking update? WORK OR I BURN YOU TO THE GROUND! How can changing my theme fix a problem resulting from an update? Okay, I'm done, that's the last java update I'll ever make. Oh look, a new java version! ". And yes, I've never had an update that didn't do anything to my ide that forced to use one of those occult" This shouldn't work but it fixed it for me " from stackoverflow.
  • 0
    Not today
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