Which is the best app to learn...C++ language and for coding (for beginners).

  • 6
    What's this trend with coding apps? Do you not know how to use Internet? You need an app to spoonfeed you everything?
  • 2
    lol its called vscode but i dont think you can find it for smartphones
    now, more seriously, youtube tutorials is the way to go. then reference manual for the language and stack overflow.
    and since you ask for an app i suppose youre green as grass. C++ might be a bit overwhelming. maybe start with python instead so you can focus on making algorythms.
    once you got that part, learning new languages will be much much more easier
  • 1
    @theabbie Internet to hard, we covered this in the last post 😟
  • 2
    step for linux:

    step 1. open any text editor you like (though I do recommend getting vscode here, but any editor works at this stage)

    step 3. write this:

    #include "stdio.h"

    int main(int argc, char** argv)


    printf("Hello World\n");

    return 0;


    step 4. save file as "main.cpp"

    step 5. in terminal write "gcc main.cpp -o hello"

    step 6. run the program with "./hello"

    if you're using windows then just get Visual Studio Community edition and it does all of that for you, but in turn you learn a bit less about how it all works

    good... now make a "guess what number I'm thinking" game that the computer will play with you, you'll need to google these things as you go along:

    "C++ variables"

    "how to print to screen in C++"

    "C++ how to get user input"

    "C++ get random number"

    "if else C++"

    "C++ convert string to number"

    "loop in C++"

    "functions C++"
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