I need some help with this, why is HR in most of the company are arsehole? They think they are superior?

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    Most of them thinks that they own an absolute control of the human resource systematically. So yeah, abusing power is somehow part of their job.
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    Not really assholes. It is thier f-ing job.
    Thier job is not to help you - but the company. They have to "help" you as part of thier job. But as long as that help aligns with the company. The second it does not - they will be against you in a sec.
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    HR aka human retards
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    @magicMirror isn't employee a part of company? I don't think they protect the company literally, but rather they creating an illusion of protecting the company.

    HR is just an equivalent of politicians in the country, who thinks they are doing something without actually doing something. Most HR I personally witnessed that they don't even recruit people based on neither attitude or capabilities but rather own interests and preferences. (Like some prefer specific race for example).
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    The skillset you need to become part of HR is not overlapping with the skillset needed to be a helpful individual.

    So naturally, HR should gravitate towards being a pretty toxic environment where only other toxic people like to fit in.
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    I straight up don't work with HR.

    I work with owners and maybe as low as the CTO..., not their dipshit staff whose sole purpose is to keep the rest of thier dipshit staff inline.

    If there's HR between me and my paycheck, we got a problem, Jack.
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    Nope. HR job is to first and formost to protect the company. They manage the resource called "human" - with the aim to reduce risk, increase efficiency, and reduce costs.
    Any work they do, in any scenario - is dictated by this simple principles.

    Do not trust HR. Do not give them anything they can use against you. Avoid talking to them at all.
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    @magicMirror Yeap. I agree.
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    Shame.. I guess the lesser people work in lesser careers

    Developers are superior and should be more respected in general

    Look at all the giants - Microsoft, Facebook, Google, PayPal - All had CEO's that were developers through and through
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    If you want to see what happens when HR is left unchecked, visit LinkedIn. It’s truly terrifying. Don’t linger too long.
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