
What's your funnier / most time saving script that you've ever made ?

  • 4
    Nothing spectacular, but a few times a month it saves me up to 2-3hrs of work.

    --- CUT HERE ---

    FILES=$(ls -1 *.png)
    for f in $FILES
    echo "Cropping $f"
    mogrify -crop 1920x940+0+0 $f
    --- CUT HERE ---
  • 4
    I must point you to this rant which was posted earlier.
  • 1
    @tild3 I wasn't aware of this one, thanks for pointing this out :) My question wasn't exactly the script used by this dude but the most wtf / usefull script you've seen in your life so far :)
  • 3
    The most useful I use regularly is one that creates a bunch of linked clones of a virtualbox vm, and automatically sets the network all the network settings, creating internal networks and connecting each machine to the ones specified by a configuration file. It saves me a lot of time when I have to test networking stuff
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  • 1
    Let's say a batch script I made saved work for me in my old school. I let it execute quietly and it opened three instances of itself again, then quit. Then I would open it whenever I wanted to and boom, didn't have to do tasks when we are in the computer room.
  • 3
    Wow, I just re-read my last comment. It's like a punch in the face to every grammar rule ever made
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    @ocab19 Is English your mother tongue?

    No? No problem.
    Yes? No problem if others can understand.
  • 0
    @firusvg first language*

    Sorry not sorry
  • 0
    @Duckman I don't understand?!
  • 0
    @firusvg first language instead of mother tongue, it's wierd because in some languages it's called that (Swedish for example)
  • 0
    @Duckman But, idiom "mother tongue" is legit in English?! I don't see problem (t)here?!

    P.S. In my language, Serbian, it is the same - "maternji jezik" is "mother tongue". N.B. In Serbian "jezik" is homonym, it means both "tongue" and "language".
  • 0
    @firusvg okay :)
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