On my annoying radar today - devs who learn one language and then *insist* on using it for everything, even when it makes absolutely zero sense.

"Ooh I'd like to do some microcontroller development. But I only know Java. How do you run Java on a microcontroller?"

"...You don't."

"...but I heard a talk where someone did it. Look, there's this microjava page. How do I use it?"

"It's an interesting technical demo, but that's it. Dude, just learn C. It's not hard, Java has C style syntax anyway and this way you can...."

"...but I only want to use modern programming languages. C is irrelevant these days, it's pointless me learning it."

"It's definitely still relevant if you want to program a microcontroller."

"...but I want to do that in Java."


  • 26
    In before js devs get butt hurt!
  • 15
    "...but I only want to us modern programming languages."

    And that person then comes up with Java? Sorry but someone like that is someone you can't take seriously.
  • 9
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    @halfflat Have a look at sunspots - I actually think I've still got some somewhere...
  • 6
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    @Nanos I'm of the opinion that the hallmark of a good programmer is the ability to learn new programming languages quickly. So "I already spent years learning Java" isn't a good excuse.
  • 3
    You could say he should program it in assembler. It is valuable to how to program something in assembler, at least for 1 architecture.

    But saying C is irrelevant 🤦. How many of his Software would run without C and without libraries, kernels, drivers, and interpreters written in C? The only other option is C++ and it isn't that hard to learn C when you know C++-.
  • 1
    Christ! It's like knowing how to use a chainsaw and only a chainsaw. And then start plumbing, with a chainsaw.... "Can you stop the leak"? "Sure, but i want to do it with a chainsaw"
  • 0
    @Rambolus @AlmondSauce I present tinygo.org
  • 1
    @darkmiko I fully agree with that (I've lost count of the languages I know so it's easy to agree). Most of the time learning a language will expand your knowledge and can be done quickly. As most languages itself have limited syntax (well not C++) and are similar to what you know.

    To fully idiomatically write things in a language leveraging the stdlib and other frameworks fully usually is quite an investment however and when a language can do it well enough I'm willing to concede. We don't need a scalpel when a versatile camping knife will suffice.
  • 2
    Kinda the same discussion with people who use Python for microcontrollers...
  • 1
    @JFK422 In fairness at least MicroPython is a vaguely plausible thing, even if I'd never do any serious development with it. Java is just... beyond ridiculous for that sort of a task.
  • 0
    Imma kod Gugal in Piethun
  • 0
    Java for microcontroller? Not recommended with those stupid garbage collector .... I have one project about a microcontroller which collect EEG signal to movement of some other microcontroller... I tried in Java , is super slow.... Later we coded in C , the performance increased... It took 3.52 Micro second for broadcast message over (Bluetooth) even the RSSI indicate that the devices are near to each other. In C, it took just 2.82 MicroSecond, at least speed up a little bit.

    Other words, you cannot beat the classic C.
  • 0
    @myss No worries, Kotlin and Scala is here to help to get rid of Java.....
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