
Around the web and within the CSS Working Group, there has been some discussion about whether we should specify a version of CSS — perhaps naming it CSS4.

I think there is some value in grouping a bunch of specs into tidy version labels like "CSS4". It's much easier for me to ask "does this browser support CSS4?" than it is to ask "does this browser support CSS Color Level 3, CSS Namespaces, Selectors Level 3, etc."

Also, as a developer, if there were a group of specs known as CSS4 gaining traction on the web, I'd know that I need to be well-versed in each included spec, as opposed to just trying to become more fluent in different specs as I come across them in my daily work or research.

Your opinion?

  • 2
    I’d love a css4. There’s been a lot of improvements to css since css3, and I think it’s time for a major version update to reflect that

    Also, if there is a css4, add a parent selector to the soecs
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    Until the day all browsers respect the specs and not parts of, then we will be forever in a css3 <attribute> kind of state.
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    @C0D4 True.
    But a thing has more power if it has a name. “CSS4” would be more likely to be [well- or mostly-] adopted than as a collection of random features.
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    @theKarlisK It’s really dumb that there are only two major engines now. (And yes, I say that lightly, as there’s really only one.)
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    @theKarlisK granted, but even then what chromium (for example) respects vs what the spec says don't always align anyway.

    So we would still have a spec vs browser comparison.
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    I don't give a shit as long as idiots stop using !important everywhere.
  • 0
    Web standards are an utter mess, basically they’re more like recommendations than rules. There’s no point in having a numbered CSS version if browsers can just do whatever.

    The web evolves way too quickly compared to how web standards get accepted. There needs to be a monthly review where a committee reviews the current proposals and then they release a new spec. Otherwise it’s going to remain a Wild West.
  • 0
    i hope not otherwise inb4 css8 in 2024
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