
What are the differences in a junior, mid, and senior software engineer roles? And how can you tell that a person is ready for the next role level?

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    What’s up with people asking “when do you know you are ready?” lately?
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    IMO :

    Junior are meant to do mistakes. When you do stop massive ones and begin to help other not to do some, or be there to fix them, I'd say you're a medior.

    Medior : Help junior devs, apprehend more complex systems autonomous on a task of mid complexity, but not yet able to design vast project. begins to understand how to work as a team.

    Senior : Have some reflection on past and deeply understands why this or that. Able to federate a team into an objective, able to explain to non dev his work without loosing him / her after 3 sentences.

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    Just crash the prod, you'll immediately see who's who.

    Junior: freaks out, makes stressed jokes.

    Medior: freaks out but stays focused on solving the issue.

    Senior: « Oh well... let's grab a coffee and check what's going there. Brb. »
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    It depends on your boss.
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    Junior: knows Python
    Mid: knows C++
    Senior: knows Powerpoint
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    Junior : Yes, I can do it in 1 H
    Mid : Probably 3-4 hours if everything is right
    Senior : it depends
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    @DevLivesMatter what kind of coffee do you like when handling such situations? Black or with Milk?
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    Junior - needs hand holding

    Mid - can get the job done with help now and then. It's not the best way and they need someone else to provide architecture as rails for them to work within.

    Senior - provides those rails.
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    I would say the biggest difference is the salary
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    @asgs blackest black.
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