And by "tweaks" he means overhauling the entire thing for the 100th time

  • 4
    Client: I want X and it needs to do Y and I need it in 2 weeks.

    Two weeks pass!

    Me: here's X doing Y.

    Client: WTF, I asked for Z that needs to do a,b,g,k,I,p,q,t, and w, you were supposed to have already done all this and have it ready for tonight!

  • 4
    "Sure, but a reminder that we're currently out of hours on our agreed time / have delivered against the additional spec. You'll need to buy more hours / get a new contract drawn up with legal. Let us know as soon as you've done that and we'll schedule something in as soon as we can!"
  • 1
    @C0D4 funny think I had lately with my client:
    - This is not accurate to the mockups.
    - Well, there are no mockups?
    - Okay so I'll tell the UI/UX to prepare them and we'll have to work on all of this again. I'll schedule a meeting so we can talk about the UI changes because I'm still not sure.
  • 0
    @AlmondSauce wish I could answer him that way but since I work there as a consultant all he has to answer about time is: "Oh well this is unfortunate, I'll adjust the roadmap accordingly don't worry".
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