just started learning Japanese. I guess Assembly is much more easier. 😂😂

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    best app I've found to learn languages is "hello talk" don't know if you know it, but it made me progress a lot on Japanese
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    Have you tried "Human Japanese"?
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    There is a guy who sits next to me who writes a bunch of assembly, but to be fair lots of people in my area write assembly.
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    I was between learning Korean and Japanese, then I've looked into Japanese's writings system and went "nop"
    So I'm learning Korean
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    I've taken on the task of learning Japanese myself out of pure interest. The language and writing is very hard but I do still think it's a lot of fun. As for kanji, I'll admit it's absurd and extremely difficult. But don't give up! I've mastered hiragana and Katakana and now I'm working on grammar and the ridiculous kanji. It feels really good to be able to read things in Japanese.
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    @Koolstr Looks like you made some pretty solid progress, good on you! Would you mind sharing any of your learning sources?
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    Do some of you guys know "japanese from zero"? He makes youtube videos, too. And: the english is so easy, even a german guy like me can learn japanese grammar in english.

    And yes, a natural language is always harder than a language created for machines. Assembly may be easy to learn and hard to master, natural languages are harder to learn and hard to master.

    Btw I noticed the older the language the harder it is. I think that point goes partially to globalization...

    I love languages of every kind. Maybe this is why I like programming so much?
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    @ParrrAgh Sure. I used an app called Japanese Phrasebook to practice reading and writing hiragana and Katakana. I tried many apps and felt that one was the best. As for grammar, I use the Genki textbook
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    @herrybiscuit it's a natural language. With the の-particle it can be the other way around. And many things are implicit, too. So comparing it to programming languages... maybe sometimes like perl...
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    It seems very interesting. Whole Japanese system is mindblow and more challenging to study unlike western languages.
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    For learning kanji I really really recommend WaniKani
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    As a Chinese which uses only "Kanji" in our written language, I often wonder if we are wasting too much brain processing power on deciphering these over complicated symbols everyday...
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    @kavenc george from "japanese from zero" says that chinese is somewhat easier than japanese. Yes, in chinese you only have "kanji" (hanzi, i think?), but you don't have particles. And one of the biggest question while learning japanese is when to use は or が...
    I have to add that I don't know anything about chinese grammar.
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    @kavenc oh, and btw. Your brain has no problem to learn these ancient symbols. Yes, it takes somewhat longer to learn thousands of symbols than just learning 26 letters. On the other side you are much more efficient. I don't mean the no longer wasted space on a paper (or twitter messages). I mean those symbols have a meaning. What meaning does an "e" or a "t" have? Languages with symbols for whole words are more expressive.
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