
PM: Why can't we show Raw files on the website? I kid you not!

  • 2
    I mean, I don't see why they would need to keep track over what formats browsers support.

    You can just respond with "Browsers don't support it as an image format."
  • 4
    That's just someone who doesn't know how the web works. People who aren't familiar with MIME types, compression formats and bandwidth restrictions will often give away how little they know with questions like that.
  • 0
    @samk what are these?
  • 4
    @linuxer4fun A MIME type relates to the dress code of the performer. Some have stripey tops and white makeup, other just do gloves. Compression formats are about whether you fold or squash things into the space you have and bandwidth is all about how much room you need to carry your instruments. 👍🏻
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