
I had to import some resources into infrastructure-as-code ( IaC ) for a new project. I found the right tool for the job and started working on it.

But I had a lot of resources to import. I decided to use the API of the source provider and transform them into the configuration format required for the IaC tool.

After spending a good half of a day scripting with a combination of `jq` and `yq` and another bunch of tools, I finally completed the import yesterday.

Today, I had to refer to the documentation of the IaC tool for something else and I found that there was a built-in command for pulling resources from the target to the source ( basically what I did with my script ). 🤦‍

( I hope my manager doesn't find out that I 'wasted' half a day when I could have completed the job within around an hour )

Lesson learnt the hard way ( again ) : READ THE F**KING MANUAL even if it may seem trivial.

*thought to self* : YTF won't you learn this simple thing after so many incidents? RTFM!

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