
That moment when f.lux updates on your phone and you are blinded because your screen is normally coulored for a few seconds

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    That moment when you realize f.lux is only king on desktop and you should really be using Twilight instead.
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    Or that other moment when you realize (god i hate this phrase) that you could use cyanogen/lineage and use the built in automatic color shift.
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    @Neotelos Twilight is a pretty decent app, though I had terrible issues with app overlays. I had to keep enabling and disabling it because some of the apps didn't work well with it.
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    flux has been buggy for me so i had to stop using eventually, but for anyone interested there is a Google extension, High-Contrast with interesting color schemes!
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    @darksideplease oh yeah, because everyone is throwing around closed source solutions: redshift? Redshift. Redshift!
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