
I was too concerned whether or not I should extend a feature, that I forgot to check if I could do so.

Now I've shot myself in the foot by breaking half of the feature and my only solution to make this work out as intented are quite ugly.

10/10 would do so again. Programming like a retard is the way hobby projects are meant to be. Best learning experience you could hope for.

Also, bless git for giving me a second chance in case I've gone full retard mode.

  • 4
    Bit too much unnecessary "retard" use for my taste, but I totally agree with the part where you talk about how the messy nature of hobby projects lets you learn a lot! I could not relate more!
  • 2
    Retard programming...
  • 1
    @Well-actually I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling. Gotta make you understand.

    Sometimes I just have do very stupid ideas and realize that when it's almost too late
  • 0
    @Awlex Hobby projects are where you actually learn a lot, as there's room to make errors and really study those errors: WHY is something a good or bad idea? At work I just shovel code into a machine endlessly and money rolls out as long as I do that. The nature of the thing discourages experimentation, while hobby projects encourage it.

    It's how I became a programmer in the first place. Wanting to know how to make baby's first video game I learned a lot more then in 2 years of flopping around in PHP frameworks and CSS.

    Which are basicly just new ways to do the boring old stuff but with less hassle.
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