I hate those persons...


Don't do this.

Person does it.

Don't do it. We are currently overworked and this _must_ be a project every team agrees on. Otherwise it will end exactly like it is currently - a big mess that every team implemented differently.

2 hours later....

Person books time for said project.

Other team lead: Stop working on it. This makes no sense.

Person: yeah... But I needed to clean it up anyways, so I just started cause why not.


Me and the other team lead had a 5 min discussion about it shortly after...

Wasn't the first time said person has gone solo rogue *sigh*

Despite that this is driving me (and the other team lead) nuts...


Really. Every fucking time this mother tugging bullshit kindergarten play.

I think it's the first time that I said: I don't care - I'll just trash his work when we start on the project as a team in 2 months (Yeah... That's realistic. 2 months minimum...).

The universe really has it's way to make me angry.

I hope he stops tomorrow, we really cannot deal with emotional bullshit at the moment.


How can such fuckwads exist....

  • 4
    @AtuM he has other work... Lots of it actually.

    Well... He's still working there because except for this behaviour he does good work.

    And no. I'll nuke it.

    I don't think he understands it in any other way.

    It might be a good exercise for him, don't know - but doing solo work on a team spanning project is the kind of thing that leads to prejudice...

    We should start from zero and everybody has a chance to contribute vs everybody except one starts from zero and said person has a head start and influences everyone else...
  • 1
    If he does good work, just accept it. Doesn't matter, who wrote the code - as long as it is good code.
  • 5
    @Oktokolo it matters if he does it instead of things with higher priority.
  • 2
    Looks like he doesn't fit culturally. If it's green fields and solo he wants there are plenty of companies that have that (along with the bs that comes with it usually)
  • 3

    Welcome to management. You can talk sometimes to people and they still ignore you.

    You have two options: Escalate to the higher ups (which usually ends bad) or try to negotiate diplomatically.

    We are currently doing the later, negotiating diplomatically, as we currently lack the resources to deal with a full escalation.

    If we did a full escalation, it would most likely end up in "us" (team-leads, higher-ups, said person) having a full day of meetings regarding behaviour, lecturing on how to do our job and so on. The next weeks all teams will be gloomy and our days will be even more doomy -.-

    I guess that's the reason why he always waits till we are spread out thin like rice paper.

    (I usually tend to not listen to my paranoia, but in this case it's too obvious that he does it on purpose imho)

    The jerk reaction that's not possible in Germany easily would be to fire him for his behaviour.
  • 4

    The trouble is: It's a project that must be used by all teams.

    I really _hate_ when (even if it's just one person of each team) not every team has a voice in such projects.

    Mostly because it ends with a "we do not support the developers design decision" and the project that should be used by all teams gets trashed.

    Which I can understand.

    Noone wants to get forced working and using a project that they cannot support.

    Architectural design and project decisions should be made collective if you want to get people to support you.

    Alternatively - yes. I could force them to take whatever the dev produced. But this ends bad.

    devRant is full of stories with projects people got forced to work on a project that they would have done differently for good reasons.

  • 4
    Looks like there is a real problem and you need to play the investigator and find out about the actual reasons for the "rogueness" of that dev.
    A lot of the more hardcore devs are somehow special snowflakes and have either low social skills or exhibit an odd combination of personality traits. So it might not be easy to get at the root cause and find a way to mkae this dev love his job while not making other devs hating their job...
    One essential pro tip though: Don't assume bad intent, because the moment you do so, the problem becomes unsolvable without firing someone.
  • 2
    @Oktokolo good tip.

    Think it's one of the reasons I like devRant. somehow you always get another opinion. XD
  • 2

    Said person might be of the type that constantly needs distraction themselves or distracting someone.

    Anyways. Being an adult in a professional setting I'd just thrash their place, kick their teeth in and burn the bridges.

    What the actual fuck is that person thinking?
    That's right. Nothing. It's but an animal reacting to its emotions and reflexes.
    Best case, keep em as a pet.
    Thus no professional.

  • 1
    Now that is a professional and chilled comment.
  • 1
    Guess you're right..
    Gotta work on this. I know.
  • 2
    @scor I like your comment *cheers, mate*
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