
which *git* diff algorithm is your default and why?

## default (myers)
The basic greedy diff algorithm. Currently, this is the default. if you don't know whart you are using, this is it (and it sucks)

## minimal
Spend extra time to make sure the smallest possible diff is produced.

Use "patience diff" algorithm when generating patches.

## histogram
This algorithm extends the patience algorithm to "support low-occurrence common elements".

  • 1
    I use *histogram*, because mercurial spoiled me and there is enough CPU to go around
  • 2
    Default because i am way too lazy to check out the other variants while the default is working good enough.
  • 1
    Default. If this is not good enough, i try it with vimdiff
  • 2
    The default, but now, you got me curious about the others.
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