I enjoy coding Android, but what the hell did Google smoke when creating the "Spinner" component?!

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    What's worse is getting sqlite data into a ListView.
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    it works quite similar to a list, right? you have an adapter to put data and you can specify some views for customizing how it looks.
    it's a bit much but not crazy hard iirc.
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    @leuu yeah it is okay, but I've been sitting for several hours trying to override the adapter methods to create a hint, which is pretty standard for drop downs... Is there any alternative for spinners? Feels like I've been wasting so much time...
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    @backevik I haven't looked at hints in a while but in the xml layout file can't you just do android:hint?
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    @dewguzzler apparently hint only works when using a dialogue styled spinner, then it's android:prompt. It's like they're actively trying to be inconsistent!
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    @backevik what about adding what you want as as your hint to the beginning of the list. And then when your page loads just set the chosen one to your hint and then just filter it out when you get the users response? As a workaround anyway. I'm sure there's a few options, just thinking off the top of my head
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