
Joys of TypeScript.

(Notice the letter case of the first character of the type name.)

  • 0
    I don't get it. Is this an 'fml' or not??
  • 1
    Still not sure what to think of typescript.. Typed is good, but I sometimes have the feeling that without extra linting, it's still a half-baked language where all is allowed.
  • 0
    Compared to other languages I am using (Scala and Haskell) it is so inferior. But (a big but) compared to the JavaScript it is actually quite a nice improvement. Yeah, one can shoot himself in the foot very easily, but with strict compiler options and with proper usage of types (e.g. "any" only as a last resort) I find it quite usable. TS compiler helped me avoid a lot of nasty traps which with JS would have been so painful - that kind of bugs which is only to be found at runtime, but not too often, hidden behind many layers, of course riddled with observables and call stacks leading through Angular internals.
  • 0
    I don't see anything weird here if you know your language. Stop whining.
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